Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Halloween-Harry Potter Style

This year Michael was Harry Potter. It was not a fun Halloween this year, as Michael was sick and only got to trick-or-treat at a few houses. We did make it to the "scary house." Michael was sick with his bronchial spasms (very much like asthma). He left his class party early to go for a breathing treatment. Then by dinner time, he had his head hung in the toilet. I felt so bad for him. He cried a little and then fell asleep in my lap on the bathroom floor. Around 6:30 he pulled himself up and got on his costume. He was determined to go out, at least to "scary house." We walked half a block and them I gave him a piggy-back ride back home. Some friends from the ward felt bad for him and brought over candy for him, since he couldn't trick-or-treat. They even brought Snickers, his favorite! Oh well, there's always next year!


At 6:21 AM, Blogger shannon said...

Poor kid! I bet for a kid that would be one of the worst things to happen! He did look fantastic in his costume and good thing for the nice kids in the ward!


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