Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Little Phantom!

Michael is home sick today with a fever and has decided to be the Phantom, too! He is obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera! You can hear him singing "opera" at any given time all around the house, in the car, even in the shower! In addition to a scientist, he says he is going to be an opera singer! I tell him to go for it! I just hope he didn't get my singing ability, or his dad's for that matter!!

Ugh!!! Don't you just hate it when your kids are sick? Michael isn't so sick that he will lay on the couch and rest (he would have to be in a coma) but just not up to going to school. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! I can always hope! Well, that's as exciting as it gets here today! Until next time...


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