Thursday, July 05, 2007

Michael's Baptism

Well I finally got the pictures from Michael's baptism on here! It has taken me long enough! What a wonderful event in our family to have Michael baptized by his dad. It was nice to have the family together to celebrate such a wonderful time in Michael's life. Here are a few pictures from the special day. I cannot believe he is 8 years old. Where has time gone?

Following the baptism we had a party to celebrate Michael's 8th birthday and my graduation from the Master's program at UNCG. It was a Cinco de Mayo party (since it was the 5th of May) and so appropriate since I LOVE Mexican food more than anything in life, except Michael of course! May was a good month!


At 8:03 AM, Blogger The Adamson's said...

You can tell Michael was very happy on this day! I am glad Will and I were able to share this special day with him.


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