Monday, July 31, 2006

Michael's New Pet

Well, we added a new member to the family! Michael decided it was time to get a second pet, so Biscuit would have some company. So we got a fish! Michael named him Harry (after Harry Potter, of course)! As uaual, if one is good, a dozen would be better...Michael is already planning to get another fish, as Harry seems lonely. Michael also has informed Ooma that when we move out, we are going to get a gerbil, too! That will complete the Benson Farm! I guess I can't really say anything; he definitely got his love of animals from me! I think we should get a cat and Biscuit agrees. What do you think?! Until next time...


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Miller Time said...

sure why not, you have always loved cats. Besides it would be pretty funny to watch biscuit and the cat get into fights. Who would win, i am going for the cat.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger The Adamson's said...

I think its time for a new blog. This one is a month old. I have to get on you about it since you and Robin always tell me how I need to put up a new blog. Let me know when you post a new one so i can look at it.


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