Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Our Hill Cumorah Pageant Trip

Last Friday, Michael, Bri, Ooma, and I left for upper state New York. It was a LONG drive up, as MapQuest sent us on the scenic route, literally! The advantage was that we were able to see some of the most beautiful country that I have ever seen. Michael and Bri couldn't tell you about much of the scenery, as they were too busy watching their DVDs or playing their; sometimes it gets in the way of living.

The first picture is at the pageant on Saturday night. It poured rain just before the performance but let up as the pageant started. It only misted a little during the show and by the end, there was literally a section of sky just above Hill Cumorah with the stars showing, but clouds everywhere else. It was awesome to see!

The second picture was in the Sacred Grove behind the Smith farm. Michael and Bri seemed to enjoy going around the farm seeing the log home where Joseph lived as a young man. We also were able to see the Palmyra temple, as it was located just down the road from the Smith farm.

It was a trip that we will never forget! In more ways than one! The drive home did not take as long, thank goodness! The boys were, well, they were boys! They played and argued and acted more like brothers than cousins! There were a few times that Michael almost got dropped off in Pennsylvania to live with the Amish! We were all glad to see the North Carolina state line!


At 7:12 PM, Blogger Miller Time said...

I don't think Michael would have lasted to long with the Amish. He just would not get the no electricity thing and would not stop talking about it until they sent him on his way. But then again i think i would be the same thing. It would be an answer to a pray if they sent me away.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Lynne said...

Hi Mandy,
My church history trip last summer was one of my favorite expereinces too. I especially loved the wonderful spirit in the sacred grove.


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