Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fourth of July

We had a pretty good 4th of July this year. Mom and I went on our annual 4th of July Belk's shopping trip that morning (we couldn't resist the sales!). Then we all went to lunch at Salsarita's and over to the Battleground Park to see some of the Revolutionary War reinactment, cannons and all! After wandering around the park (and getting lost in the woods) we found our car and headed home to rest for the afternoon. Unfortunately, dad, Michael, and the dog are all on antibiotics for sinus infections, so everyone was ready to rest after our trip through Nathanel Greene's encampment! Later that night everyone felt much better and we went to see the fireworks. We were joined by some friends from church and we had a great time playing with sparklers, making s'mores, and watching the fireworks! It was unseasonablly cool for July and not humid...we are still wondering where that weather came from! However, we enjoyed it, because today it was back to our usual HOT, HOT, HOT!


At 8:02 AM, Blogger The Adamson's said...

Sounds like y'all had a good 4th of July! I am looking forward to y'all visit, in about a month.


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