Thursday, July 05, 2007

Just random pictures that Michael and I took recently...

I know I go from no new blogs to three in one day! I just have to do it when I have the time! These are some pictures Michael and I took recently. I included a cute picture of his cousin Caty-Lynne that stayed with us for a week. She was truly the "princess" while she was here. She and Michael have a lot in common and played well together. We enjoyed her visit! The last picture shows three of Michael's Webkinz. He loves collecting them and has a great time playing on the Webkinz website. He is our little computer wizkid!


At 11:15 AM, Blogger Miller Time said...

I am so impressed, three in one day. But then again i did the same thing the other day but only 2. It was the first blog in over a month for me too. Love the pics, my faviorte is the one of that cute little princess.


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