Sunday, July 15, 2007


Well I am back from my Hawaii trip! It was wonderful! Even with a little work to do while I was there, I managed to sight-see as much as possible! I went to Waikiki beach, shopped at the International Market, hiked Diamond Head (amazing), went to the Polynesian Cultural Center (absolutely wonderful-you can see me trying to learn the hula!), attended a luau (of course I didn't eat the pork!), and went to Pearl Harbor. I even attended church on Sunday morning (since I was still on east coast time and I was wide awake by 5 a.m.)! It was interesting to go to another ward so far from home. It was a beautiful old tabernacle-style building. That day there happend to be a missionary farewell. After sacrament, the whole ward went out in front of the reflecting pool and sang a song to her and put leis on her up to her nose! It was very touching to see. It was a packed week and I am finally getting over the long plane ride and readjusting to the 6 hour time change. It was much easier to get on their time zone than to come back to mine! I met a lot of great people while there and would love to go back really soon! Enjoy the pictures!


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Miller Time said...

looks like you had fun. it is so pretty there, i can't wait to go back.

At 12:08 PM, Blogger The Adamson's said...

I am jealous i am the only one besides dad who has never been to hawaii. I wish i could have gone!


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