Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!!!

We had a great Easter this year. Robin, Brian and their kids came for the weekend. We went on a picnic Saturday and the kids rode their bikes in the park. Michael, Bri, and Caty-Lynne played in the small waterfall/creek and got very muddy! But they had a ball.

On Sunday, the kids woke up to a candy trail left by the Easter Bunny, all the way from their beds to their baskets! That was fun trying to keep the dog from eating the candy! The Easter Bunny brought Michael a book, candy, and a CD he's been wanting, Aly & AJ. After church we had an Easter egg hunt, and Ooma made this year's hunt even better by putting money in some of the eggs! Michael of course got the most eggs and the most money! You mention money, he's motivated!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

And the fun keeps on coming...

Well, as if pnuemonia and a trip to the ER with a cut face weren't enough, today Michael woke up sick and had to go to the doctor. Today's diagnosis was with asthma, probably from his seasonal allergies. So two and one-half hours later, after a breathing treatment and a Rx for an inhaler, we made it home. Michael has to use the inhaler for the next 5-7 days and we will see how he is doing. Why is it that children get sick on the weekends? Oh well, such is life. Until next time...