Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

This Christmas was great! Michael got the Dance, Dance Revolution for Wii and has really enjoyed playing with it. Michael was so excited for Santa to come. He left the reindeer celery, carrots, and oats on the front lawn and cookies, M&Ms, and a Diet Pepsi for Santa. I thought he would NEVER go to sleep that night! On Christmas Day, Granddaddy, Gena, and Jesse came to eat with us and spend the night. It was a really nice day and we enjoyed their visit. We look forward to next Christmas when everyone can be home again. Happy New Year everyone!


At 8:03 AM, Blogger The Adamson's said...

Sounds like yall had a good Christmas, wish we were there with yall.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger pagefamily said...

Mandy- I am a blogger now! Your mom told me you had a blogspot- I never knew??? I didn't have any blogger friends, and now I do.
See you soon


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