Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well, school has begun and Michael is officially in 2nd grade! He is so excited about school and loves his teacher (thank goodness)! I am back in school too and this semester has taken off with a bang. I can barely catch my breath!

Michael joined a golf team last Saturday and seems to like it. I was his caddy! He thought that was funny! He goes every Saturday for 7 weeks. They have an hour of "golf clinic" where they practice putting and chipping and hitting balls at the driving range. Then the last hour they get paired up and they play some holes on the course. They are learning golf etiquette and rules of the game. I learned more than I could have imagined as a caddy! Michael was excited to rake the sand traps; in fact, he was more interested in that than hitting his ball! I hope he will learn how to slow down a bit and enjoy the game of golf! But what can I say...he's seven!

Sorry there are no pictures on this posting, I forgot to take the camera to golf last week! I will get one on here soon! Until next time...