Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pinewood Derby - The Harry Potter Car

Michael and my dad built a car for the Pinewood Derby this year! Michael was so proud of his car, which was of course, a Harry Potter themed car! It had a wizard hat and Harry Potter stickers! It really looked cool. He picked out the color and painted it all by himself. He was a little upset that it didn't win, but at least his looked the least we thought so!
Pinewood Derby Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mowing the Grass (but a little taller)!

Well, Michael learned how to mow the yard tonight! He was thrilled to help Papa mow and didn't want to stop! I'm thrilled too, of course, because now when Michael and I move out, I have someone to mow our yard! I figure in a few years, he should be able to do it all by himself!

I couldn't help but include the old picture of Michael from 2001, when he was only 2! He has grown up so fast! Until next time...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Michael and His Dad

Patrick came today to visit Michael and they had such a good time just hanging out. Michael got to practice riding his bike and talked his dad into buying him a new game for his Game Cube (he has a way of doing that with everyone)! Michael got to choose what they ate for dinner, and of course, he chose PF Changs! He ate enough rice for half the country of China! Oh well, he has said for years that he is going to China on his mission so he better start learning how to use chopsticks and getting used to the food! The day went by too fast, as usual, and they ended it with a game of Scrabble, which they recruited me to play. It was a hard choice (Scrabble or school work) so I played with them! Michael loves his dad!