Wednesday, November 15, 2006

No Front Teeth!

As you can see from the pictures, Michael no longer has any front teeth! He sounds so cute when he talks! I guess this year he really can say, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" Not much going on here, just getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Halloween-Harry Potter Style

This year Michael was Harry Potter. It was not a fun Halloween this year, as Michael was sick and only got to trick-or-treat at a few houses. We did make it to the "scary house." Michael was sick with his bronchial spasms (very much like asthma). He left his class party early to go for a breathing treatment. Then by dinner time, he had his head hung in the toilet. I felt so bad for him. He cried a little and then fell asleep in my lap on the bathroom floor. Around 6:30 he pulled himself up and got on his costume. He was determined to go out, at least to "scary house." We walked half a block and them I gave him a piggy-back ride back home. Some friends from the ward felt bad for him and brought over candy for him, since he couldn't trick-or-treat. They even brought Snickers, his favorite! Oh well, there's always next year!

The Biker

Michael finally learned the art of bike riding. He got a new bike for his birthday in May, but has had a hard time riding it. He learned on his cousin's bike, but now has gotten the hang of his own bike! He is so excited to know how to ride without help. He is still learning the whole hand-break thing! These pictures were taken in the church parking lot last weekend.