Friday, December 22, 2006

It's almost Christmas and Michael is SO ready to open presents. He has tried to talk me into opening a present early, with no success! At the top of the Christmas list this year is a skateboard, a lime green one. So, we will what Santa brings! We are going to Robin's house this year for Christmas and Michael is very excited about seeing Bri.

Yesterday Michael went to the allergist and was finally diagnosed with asthma. He had allergy tests done (about 75 skin punches on his back and about 12 needles on his arm) which revealed that he is very allergic to house dust and mold and has a slight allergy to dogs/cats and cows milk. Sorry Biscuit! Michael was so worried that we would have to get rid of Biscuit, but not so! Michael now has an inhaler (Advair) to take morning and night and Zyrtec to take each night. So, hopefully this new medicine will help him not be so miserable with allergies. Now if we could just order winter weather and stop having 70 degree days and rain in December, it would be nice! Merry Christmas everyone!