Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Harry Potter Night!!!

On Friday, July 20th, Michael and I went to Barnes & Noble for the biggest night of the year-the Harry Potter book release party! It was so much fun! We both got "sorted" and found out in which house we belong. You can see the picture with Dumbledore, who did the honors with the "sorting hat." We ran into Haggrid during our scavenger hunt and Michael got to see Snape (obviously in his younger years) at work during his "potions class." We also had our palms read and couldn't believe how right the fortune teller was! She had us both pegged! Apparently we missed Voldemort, who showed up around 10:00. But we did see Ms. Umbridge, pink-pink-pink, on our way out! It was a fun night and no, we did not stay until midnight for the book! We are still on #6, so don't tell us how #7 ends!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Well I am back from my Hawaii trip! It was wonderful! Even with a little work to do while I was there, I managed to sight-see as much as possible! I went to Waikiki beach, shopped at the International Market, hiked Diamond Head (amazing), went to the Polynesian Cultural Center (absolutely wonderful-you can see me trying to learn the hula!), attended a luau (of course I didn't eat the pork!), and went to Pearl Harbor. I even attended church on Sunday morning (since I was still on east coast time and I was wide awake by 5 a.m.)! It was interesting to go to another ward so far from home. It was a beautiful old tabernacle-style building. That day there happend to be a missionary farewell. After sacrament, the whole ward went out in front of the reflecting pool and sang a song to her and put leis on her up to her nose! It was very touching to see. It was a packed week and I am finally getting over the long plane ride and readjusting to the 6 hour time change. It was much easier to get on their time zone than to come back to mine! I met a lot of great people while there and would love to go back really soon! Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Just random pictures that Michael and I took recently...

I know I go from no new blogs to three in one day! I just have to do it when I have the time! These are some pictures Michael and I took recently. I included a cute picture of his cousin Caty-Lynne that stayed with us for a week. She was truly the "princess" while she was here. She and Michael have a lot in common and played well together. We enjoyed her visit! The last picture shows three of Michael's Webkinz. He loves collecting them and has a great time playing on the Webkinz website. He is our little computer wizkid!

Fourth of July

We had a pretty good 4th of July this year. Mom and I went on our annual 4th of July Belk's shopping trip that morning (we couldn't resist the sales!). Then we all went to lunch at Salsarita's and over to the Battleground Park to see some of the Revolutionary War reinactment, cannons and all! After wandering around the park (and getting lost in the woods) we found our car and headed home to rest for the afternoon. Unfortunately, dad, Michael, and the dog are all on antibiotics for sinus infections, so everyone was ready to rest after our trip through Nathanel Greene's encampment! Later that night everyone felt much better and we went to see the fireworks. We were joined by some friends from church and we had a great time playing with sparklers, making s'mores, and watching the fireworks! It was unseasonablly cool for July and not humid...we are still wondering where that weather came from! However, we enjoyed it, because today it was back to our usual HOT, HOT, HOT!

Michael's Baptism

Well I finally got the pictures from Michael's baptism on here! It has taken me long enough! What a wonderful event in our family to have Michael baptized by his dad. It was nice to have the family together to celebrate such a wonderful time in Michael's life. Here are a few pictures from the special day. I cannot believe he is 8 years old. Where has time gone?

Following the baptism we had a party to celebrate Michael's 8th birthday and my graduation from the Master's program at UNCG. It was a Cinco de Mayo party (since it was the 5th of May) and so appropriate since I LOVE Mexican food more than anything in life, except Michael of course! May was a good month!