Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Never A Dull Moment

Well, yesterday afternoon was quite eventful. Michael decided to use the coffee table as a stepping stone from the couch to the leather recliner. Needless to say, he slipped on the coffee table and broke a glass vase, which cut his face up in several places. It scared me to death, but I stayed calm so he wouldn't get more upset. After a pricey trip to the ER, he ended up with two steri-strips. He was thrilled that he didn't have to have stitches! Well, that's about it for us here in G'boro. Until next time...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Revolutionary War

On Sunday, Michael, Papa, and I went to the 225th anniversary of the Revolutionary War, here in Greensboro. Michael really enjoyed seeing the reinactment and walking around the field after the "war" to see the soldiers in uniform.

Until next time...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Well, two of Michael's favorite things lately are his cousin Will (who is visiting for a few weeks) and reading the "Magic Treehouse" series. As you can see in the picture, Michael jumped up first thing this morning (even before he combed his hair) and wanted to feed Will! Now if we could just get him to change a poopie diaper! I also noticed that Will is one of the few and the proud to be allowed on the "blanket." Anyone who knows Michael, knows that he doesn't share his blanket with just anyone!

Not really anything exciting about me! Same old crap, different day! I am plugging along in school and I am in the middle of a hectic semester. I am ready for summer! Until next time...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Little Phantom!

Michael is home sick today with a fever and has decided to be the Phantom, too! He is obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera! You can hear him singing "opera" at any given time all around the house, in the car, even in the shower! In addition to a scientist, he says he is going to be an opera singer! I tell him to go for it! I just hope he didn't get my singing ability, or his dad's for that matter!!

Ugh!!! Don't you just hate it when your kids are sick? Michael isn't so sick that he will lay on the couch and rest (he would have to be in a coma) but just not up to going to school. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! I can always hope! Well, that's as exciting as it gets here today! Until next time...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Didn't want to be the only one without a blog!

Well, Michael and I decided to create our own blog, for all the world to see! I am not sure how often it will be updated or how exciting it will be for others to view, but we'll try it anyway! Our biggest announcement lately has been the loss of two little teeth--by Michael of course! As you can see in the pic, this was the first one to go! He is really growing up and will be turning 7 on May 1st. I am continuing on with grad school and the semester is really getting crazy! I am so thankful that I will be done this time next year! Until next time...